On Sunday, June 12th, Father Edmund. McIntyre, C.P., passed to his eternal reward in St. Saviour’s Retreat, Broadway, Worcestershire, at the venerable age of 78 years. The deceased Passionist was born at Preston in 1843, made his profession in 1861, and was ordained priest at Liverpool in 1866, and, therefore, had the privilege of celebrating the Golden Jubilee of his religious profession as well as of his priesthood. Amongst the various offices which he occupied, and the duties of which he creditably fulfilled, was that of Rector of St. Anne’s Retreat, Sutton, Lancashire.
For many years he had lived at Broadway, where he was beloved by all, and the people of that old-world village will regretfully miss the well-known figure of Father Edmund from their midst. He loved the solitude of that quiet Retreat, and took a deep interest both in the spiritual and temporal welfare of those who attended the church. His instructive sermons proved an attraction both for visitors, who came to enjoy the beauties of the Vale of Evesham, as well as for the resident Catholics.
Chiefly devoted to prayer and retirement, his fidelity to the Congregation to which he belonged was whole-hearted and unswerving. His long life was enriched by those virtues that spring from the faithful observance of the rules of the religious state, and especially by the practice of charity, which is the “bond of perfection.” (Cross, Vol. XII. 1921-22; p. 87)